Directorate General of Home Guards
Government of NCT of Delhi
There is some error during submission of your Online Application due to :
  1. Your Record already exists.
  2. You have entered some special characters while filling your Online Application like (%,$,# etc.), avoid such characters.
  3. Internet / Connection failure or breakup in connection while submitting data.
  4. You have pressed the SUBMIT button more than once or refreshed the page before it opens properly.
Solutions :
  1. Please check by clicking on the link "Click here to Print / Reprint Registered Application Form / To make the payment of Application Fee if earlier attempt was not successful (Relogin)" given on the website - Online Application to check whether your record already exists or not and if Yes then print your Registered Application Form.
  2. Please close the Browser and open again, delete the cookies and refresh the System before initiating the Online Registration Process.
  3. Finally if you still face the problem, then send the screen shot of filled in Application Form at the mail id [email protected].